terça-feira, fevereiro 25, 2003
José Ramos-Horta e o Iraque
De leitura obrigatória a carta publicada pel' A Coluna Infame ("Mais um Falcão"). Se mais argumentos fossem necessários...
Entetanto aproveito para deixar uma elucidativa passagem da sua carta de ano novo:
"As we enter the New Year, the world remains in a state of suspense, hanging on every word from George W. Bush in his relentless campaign to disarm Saddam Hussein. There have been massive and impressive anti-war demonstrations in many parts of the world. I find the fact puzzling, however, that there has been no comparable protest in recent years, over the massive human rights abuses perpetrated by Saddam Hussein, against his own people.
While we all abhor war, we must at the same time ask ourselves whether ignoring the nature of the Iraqi regime and its long record of human right abuses and aggression enhances the credibility of those who oppose US military action in Iraq. No sane person wants to see bombs falling on civilians and children dying as a result of a political struggle, and my heart goes out to those who speak up for the rights of these people to live. But perhaps in this new year, the anti-war movement would do well to use some of its moral power to pressure Saddam Hussein to disarm and democratize, and grant the basic rights we enjoy – which include the right to protest – to the people of Iraq"
Dedico estes parágrafos áqueles que, nos ultimos dias, têm dedicado o seu tempo amissões de solidariedade junto do ditador iraquiano e a comparar os EUA à Alemanha Nazi...
posted by Miguel Noronha 11:16 da manhã
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