quarta-feira, maio 14, 2003
Acordar Violento
A Árabia Saudita acordou. Descobriu que alberga no seu seio perigosos terroristas. É trágico que apenas um atentado destas proporções, no seu país, os despertasse para esta realidade. Esta era por demais evidente. A sua cegueira foi voluntária.
O combate ao terrorismo, como reconhece o editorial do Arab News não se podem cingir apenas à repressão dos grupos extremistas. O próprio governo também tem de deixar de ignorar (para não dizer apoiar) o mesmo tipo de acções cometidas noutros países em nome do Islão. A retórica anti-judaica e anti-ocidental também tem de deixar de ser encorajada.
Para teminar reproduzo parte do dito editorial:
We have to face up to the fact that we have a terrorist problem here. Last week’s Interior Ministry announcement that 19 Al-Qaeda members, 17 of them Saudis, had planned terrorist attacks in the country and were being hunted was a wake-up call — particularly to those who steadfastly refuse to accept that individual Saudis or Muslims could ever do anything evil, who still cling to the fantasy that Sept. 11 and all the other attacks laid at the doors of terrorists who happen to be Arab or Muslim were in fact the work of the Israelis or the CIA. For too long we have ignored the truth. We did not want to admit that Saudis were involved in Sept. 11. We can no longer ignore that we have a nest of vipers here, hoping that by doing so they will go away. They will not. They are our problem and we all their targets now.
It goes without saying that those responsible, those who poisoned the minds of the bombers, those who are planning to become bombers, must be tracked down and crushed — remorselessly and utterly. But crushing them will not be enough. The environment that produced such terrorism has to change. The suicide bombers have been encouraged by the venom of anti-Westernism that has seeped through the Middle East’s veins, and the Kingdom is no less affected. Those who gloat over Sept. 11, those who happily support suicide bombings in Israel and Russia, those who consider non-Muslims less human than Muslims and therefore somehow disposable, all bear part of the responsibility for the Riyadh bombs.
We cannot say that suicide bombings in Israel and Russia are acceptable but not in Saudi Arabia. The cult of suicide bombings has to stop. So too has the chattering, malicious, vindictive hate propaganda. It has provided a fertile ground for ignorance and hatred to grow.
posted by Miguel Noronha 9:05 da manhã
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