O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

terça-feira, maio 27, 2003

A Futuro da Política Externa Europeia Vista Pelos Árabes

O editorial do Arab News apresenta uma perspectiva curiosa acerca da possibilidade da existência de um MNE europeu (e logo de uma política externa comum):

However, if such a constitutional transformation is to occur, the rest of the world has the right to insist on certain changes. It would be wholly unacceptable for the EU to have a foreign minister and a single foreign policy and yet have two vetoes and five votes on the UN Security Council. The idea is outrageous. The present position in which it has more votes on the Security Council than any other continent — the Americas, Asia and Africa have just three each — is already cause for concern. But that would be as nothing compared to the international uproar at a single Europe commanding a third of the Security Council

Por outro lado reconhece que a Europa ainda está bem longe de uma união polítca que lhe permitiria ter uma política externa comum e coerente que se substituisse às iniciativas individuais de cada estado-membro:

The Iraqi war shows that the EU simply is not ready for a united foreign policy. If the proposals go through as presently envisaged, Europe could end up with a foreign minister busily pursuing one policy while one or more member states pursue another. That would be a shambles. The only way a single foreign policy could work is if present national governments were replaced by a single European government — but that is not what is being proposed
posted by Miguel Noronha 10:10 da manhã

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mail: migueln@gmail.com