O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

terça-feira, maio 20, 2003


Um editorial do Times Online demonstra, à luz dos ultimos atentados, que uma política de negação e apaziguamento em relação aos grupos terroristas não garante a segurança interna:

Few, however, in the leadership of the two Arab monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Morocco expected to bear the brunt of terrorism. Saudi leaders had assumed that the kingdom would not be attacked because of an old pledge by bin Laden not to harm his native homeland. The Saudi sense of security had also increased as a result of Washington’s decision last month to withdraw the 5,000 troops stationed in the kingdom, thus meeting one of bin Laden’s demands.

Morocco felt safe if only because, for a decade, it had turned a blind eye to the activities of groups that have killed some 100,000 people in neighbouring Algeria. (Moroccan secret services may even have helped some of the groups to settle old scores with Algeria.) The attacks that killed 75 people, including 28 suicide bombers, put paid to such illusions.

Saudi Arabia and Morocco now know that, as far as terrorism is concerned, they are in the same boat as the “infidel” powers, notably the United States and Britain. It is not enough for Saudi Arabia to observe the most severe version of Islam to escape the wrath of the self-styled custodians of the faith. Nor is Morocco safe because its king advertises himself as a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

Também de nada serve descupabiliza-lo à luz de mil e uma teorias. É preciso estes atentados como a face visivel de uma teoria totalitária que não procura a coexistência, apenas a dominação.

The terror that the world faces cannot be understood in theological terms. That its perpetrators claim to represent Islam is neither here nor there. (Proving a thousand times that Islam is not what they say it is will change nothing.) Nor is it about the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, or Palestine or poverty or the clash of civilisations or “Arab humiliation”, whatever that means

A unica solução é combate-lo sem condescêndencias:

The only way to deal with such terror groups is to treat them as the criminals they are. It is important that they, too, be targeted with the same determination shown against al-Qaeda since September 11, 2001
posted by Miguel Noronha 10:33 da manhã

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