quarta-feira, maio 14, 2003
Teoria Interessante
O antigo embaixador de Israel nos EUA, Dore Gold, avança com uma teoria interessante acerca do atentado ocorrido ontem na Arábia Saudita:
NRO: What was the message of the Monday attacks and who was sending it?
Gold: The al Qaeda message, with the latest attacks, was that the war on America is not over even after Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced the withdrawal of American troops from Saudi soil, after the threat from Saddam's Iraq was removed. The U.S. withdrawal announcement threatened al Qaeda's support base in the Arab world, by removing the primary grievance against America articulated by Osama bin Laden in the 1990s. But if the U.S. completes its withdrawal while its troops are under fire, then in the mind of al Qaeda leaders, that will create a situation like the U.S. pullout from Somalia (where bin Laden was active) or from Lebanon, and can be viewed as a great al Qaeda victory, that will broaden the organization's popularity in the Middle East with potential recruits.
posted by Miguel Noronha 4:16 da tarde
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