O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

segunda-feira, maio 12, 2003

Vistas Curtas

Ao passar a vista por mais um abominável/hilariante (riscar conforme o estado de espirito que se encontra ao ler o texto) artigo no resistir.info deparo-me com a justificação para o não levantamento das sanções ao Iraque:

As sanções provocaram a morte de mais de um milhão e meio de iraquianos, segundo estimativas da ONU. Deveria o governo que causou estas mortes e devastou cidades iraquianas numa brutal guerra de conquista ser agora ser confiado com a tarefa de administrar fundos que ele por longo tempo retirou ao povo iraquiano?

Bastante a propósito o Opinion Journal publica um artigo intitulado Builders and Defenders - Why aren't liberals interested in the outside world? (entenda-se liberais no conceito americano).

O autor faz a seguinte constatação:

"Liberals think of themselves as more worldly than conservatives. This is true in some ways, but not so in others. It seems to me that liberals are more likely to travel, and are more likely to visit Third World countries in particular. (If you meet an American traveler in, say, Guatemala, odds are strongly against his being a Republican.) Liberals are more likely to listen to "world music" and are more likely to watch foreign films. Liberals are more likely than conservatives to study the negative consequences of American foreign policy. But that's about it. If you want to find someone who knows the history of prewar Nazi Germany, the Middle East during the Cold War, or the partition of India and Pakistan, you're better off looking to the right than to the left"

"An anonymous radical leftist at Indymedia recently posted something to this effect: If Iraqis hate life under Saddam, just wait until they find out what it's like to live under George W. Bush. This is paranoid like McCarthyism, but the cause is quite different. This person knows very well what it's like to live "under" George W. Bush. He lives in America. What he doesn't understand, very unlike McCarthy, is what it's like to live in the other country. McCarthy knew Stalin well. The Indymedia poster knows nothing about Saddam Hussein."
posted by Miguel Noronha 2:49 da tarde

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