O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

segunda-feira, junho 30, 2003

A PAC Uma Vez Mais

Para aqueles que se mostram revoltados com o argumento que a PAC é um dos maiores entraves ao desenvolvimento dos países africanos sugiro a leitura deste artigo da TechCentral Station.

"The average person in sub-Saharan Africa earns less than $1 a day. The average cow in Europe -- thanks to government subsidies -- earns about $2 a day. And therein lies a tale of the power of European farm interests, and the weakness of African economies.

A burgeoning volume of economics literature argues that the largest factors stunting African economic development include not only disease, drought, warfare and mismanagement, but also the European Union's "Common Agricultural Policy," or CAP. Why? Because the EU's policy has spawned subsidies and tariffs that have richly rewarded European farms and swollen European food output, while depressing world food prices and undercutting African exports

"A recent study from the Institute of Economic Affairs in Britain estimates that EU agriculture policies have reduced African exports of milk products by more than 90 percent, livestock by nearly 70 percent, meat by almost 60 percent, non-grain crops by 50 percent and grains by more than 40 percent. If we assume from this that the CAP reduces Africa's total potential agricultural exports by half, it suggests that without the CAP, the current $10.9 billion in annual food-related exports from sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) could grow to nearly $22 billion. Moreover, the International Food Policy Research Institute, a Washington-based group that focuses on food needs in developing countries, has found that in sub-Saharan nations, every $1 in agricultural income produces an additional $1.42 increase in GDP. So, the end of the CAP could raise sub-Saharan GDP by nearly $26.4 billion per year -- enough to increase the annual income of every person in these countries by nearly 13 percent. If these benefits flowed to rural Africans, it could save hundreds of thousands of lives and improve the lots of millions more. "

Nota: Recebi um mail que contestava as minhas posições sobre a PAC. Este também enviado ao Mata-Mouros que lhe deu uma resposta extensiva e, do meu ponto de vista, bastante satisfatoria. Uma leitura do artigo supracitado bem como de outros aqui publicados podem desfazer todas as dúvidas que ainda subsistam...
posted by Miguel Noronha 6:28 da tarde

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