O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

quarta-feira, julho 02, 2003

BBC (via Daily Dish)

O Daily Telegraph faz uma dura critica à falta de isenção da BBC:

"Some examples you may recognise: tax-and-spend economics is the only morally acceptable approach to domestic policy (government spokesmen are always asked why they are not giving "more resources" to any problem, and spending cuts are always inherently wicked); anyone who uses the word "asylum" or "immigration" in conjunction with the word "problem" is a bigot; and all Euro-sceptics are lunatics."

"Any party, politician or pundit who does not accept this consensual package will either be ruled out of the debate entirely or treated like a maverick side-show - a bit of a comic turn who is outside the boundaries of serious consideration.

There isn't their opinion and your opinion: there is their opinion and you're insane. Making out a moral case for low taxation is not regarded as a contentious contribution to political argument, but as ludicrous raving - a flat-earther's fit of extremist nonsense.

As far as the BBC is concerned, the notion that freeing markets might produce more equitable and beneficial circumstances for more people more of the time is simply off the register: it is not just wrong; it is crazy and malign

"The BBC needs to decide whether it is making programmes to report the news, or making the news fit its programmes"

Entretando, devido a ser constantemente retratado como o mau da fita, o Governo de Israel decidiu boicotar o trabalho da BBC.

posted by Miguel Noronha 11:20 da manhã

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