O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

quinta-feira, novembro 20, 2003

Esperança Para África

Um artigo num jornal africano cita a recente evolução verificada em Moçambique, Uganda e no Ruando (países que tiveram guerras civis prolongadas e/ou que causaram grande destruição) como um exemplo para África:

According to the 2003 UN Human Development Report, last year the economies of Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda grew by 12 per cent, 9.9 percent, and 6.2 percent respectively. Mozambique only recently ended a brutal civil war that lasted over 10 years. Rwanda was badly shaken by a civil war that resulted in a genocide in which nearly a million members of the minority Tutsi community, and moderate elements of the majority Hutu were butchered.

Uganda lived through one of the most tyrannical military regimes of the 20th century led by Field Marshall Idi Amin who died in his Saudi Arabia exile early August, and rebellions which still persist in the northern part of the country. An article evaluating the UN Development Report titled Lion Cubs on the Wire in The Economist recently noted that while the three countries largely reflect recovery from war (stable countries such as Botswana wouldn?t post such rates) in the past decade Mozambican incomes have nevertheless nearly doubled, and four million Ugandans (nearly 22 percent) have been lifted out of poverty. The average Rwandan is two-thirds richer than in 1994.

If Mozambique and Uganda were both less corrupt than they are, and the latter was peaceful and more democratic, they would no doubt be much better off.

posted by Miguel Noronha 3:26 da tarde

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mail: migueln@gmail.com