O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

terça-feira, janeiro 20, 2004

Orçamento Comunitário

O Presidente da Comissão volta a expressar o seu descontentamento com a intenções de reduzir as contribuições para o Orçamento comunitário.

In a speech yesterday (19 January), Mr Prodi said that his institution could not accept a reduction in the amount of money that member states pay into the EU budget .

"I have a duty to the future of the organisation to defend it against any cuts in resources in real terms".

He went on to explicitly criticise the six net contributors to the EU budget - Austria, the UK, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Sweden - who at the end of last year sent a letter demanding that for the next budget period (2007-2013), EU spending be capped at 1% of Gross National Income.

"We are on the eve of the biggest enlargement in the EU's history, which many people see as uniting for the first time in history the European continent. This is an odd moment to propose lowering the ceiling on the EU's own resources", said the Commission President.

He went on to insist that the Commission cannot do the jobs it has been set - in the areas of justice and home affairs, external politics and the Lisbon Agenda - the EU's self-set target of turning itself into the most dynamic economy in the world by 2010 - if it is to get less money.

Como qualquer socialista Prodi faz depender o crescimento económico da política orçamental. A experiência em vários países já demonstrou que o resultado obtido é precisamento o inverso e, no caso da UE, mais fundos significaram maior esbanjamento e um crescimento desmesurado das instituições comunitárias com a consequente sobreregulamentação.
posted by Miguel Noronha 11:39 da manhã

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