O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

quarta-feira, junho 02, 2004

Jens-Peter Bonde

O eurodeputado (e eurocéptico) dinamaquês Jens-Peter Bonde's website acaba de publicar um livro intitulado "Mamma Mia" onde relata as suas experiências desde a sua primeira eleição para o Parlamento Europeu em 1979. O livro apenas foi publicado em dinarmarquês mas JPB disponibilizou uma versão em inglês para download gratuito (aqui).

Mr Giscard's idea of consensus

'It would set a very dangerous precedent if members of the Convention were able to table proposals' - I can still hear the sentence, pronounced in John Kerr?s clipped British accent.

As members, we were not even to be allowed to table proposals. I raised the matter again at the following meeting. By then, the sense of discontent among the applicant countries was so palpable that Mr Giscard had to give in and allow them a single observer. The majority of the Convention members were in favour of the two seats we had proposed, but Mr Giscard refused to put our proposal to the vote. That was to be our first lesson in the decision-making method that came to be employed within the Convention - something Mr Giscard called a "consensus".

Commonly, a consensus means that everyone is agreed to the extent that no-one objects. If so much as one person votes against, there is no consensus. Mr Giscard succeeded in modifying this system so that there was a consensus when he agreed, but none if he did not.

In the Presidium he called for space exploration to be a new EU objective. No one supported him, but it became a part of the "consensus".

posted by Miguel Noronha 10:34 da manhã

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