O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

quarta-feira, junho 16, 2004

O Fim do Trabalho

Um dos mitos mais persistentes dos tempos modernos tem sido o que prediz que qualquer inovação produtiva implicará o fim do trabalho e o, consequente, desemprego em massa. Ao factor da inovação produtiva os anti-globalistas adicionam hoje o espectro da globalização que, dizem eles, irá deslocalizar todas as empresas para países onde a mão-de-obra é mais barata provocando a miséria nos países desenvolvidos.

Tal como como ficou provado acerca dos mitos do passado, a globalização é uma fonte de crescimento económico que cria mais empregos do que aqueles que "destroi". Este facto pode ser comprovado no livro que a Timbro editou em 1998: Millennium doom - Fallacies about the end of Work.

In the first of a series from the Stockholm Network, a group of leading European think tanks, Mauricio Rojas explodes the myth that the growth of a global market economy will exclude most of the world?s population from the labour market. He argues that prophecies of millennium doom are unfounded and that, on the eve of a new century, mankind's creative potential is greater than ever before.

Predictions about the "end of work" are widespread. A growing body of European literature argues that:

  • growth is destroying more jobs than it creates,
  • the cause of this development is the technological revolution,
  • the only new jobs being created are low-skilled and low-paid, and
  • jobs are disappearing more rapidly in the Western world as capital and enterprise migrate to countries where labour is cheap.

    Rojas refutes each thesis in turn, providing evidence that the ?end of work? credo is based on a series of fallacies. He shows that countries with intense competition and vibrant markets tend to create far more jobs than they destroy and that, contrary to popular opinion, global job creation during the last 25 years has been high, both in the developed countries outside Europe and the most densely populated developing nations. Much of this growth has been because of, not despite, the technological revolution.

    Fallacies about the "end of work" have exploited Europe's fears of mass unemployment and social upheaval in the late twentieth century. These fears are now too widespread to be ignored. Millennium Doom demonstrates that, in reality, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  • Este livro está disponível para download gratuito (na versão espanhola) aqui.
    posted by Miguel Noronha 11:24 da manhã

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