O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

sexta-feira, julho 02, 2004

Constituição Europeia

Dois fisicos polacos provaram matematicamente , utilizando a teoria dos jogos, que o novo sistema de votação institiuido pelo projecto constitucional (dupla maioria) favorece os maiores países em detrimente do pequenos.

They found that citizens in different EU countries will not have the same degree of influence on decisions taken by the Council.


The key problem is that voting power does not relate to the number of votes a member state has, but rather depends on their ability to get decisions passed by forming coalitions with other states to push decisions through the Council.


The authors have analysed every member state in the EU, and looked at how their voting power will change first when the Treaty of Nice is introduced in November and then what it will be if the proposed new EU Constitution is introduced.

Under the proposed new constitution, new legislation will only have to satisfy two criteria to pass into law: the member states voting for it must account for at least 65% of the total population of the EU; and at least 15 member states must vote for it.

Zyczkowski and Slomczynski have shown that this system is effectively the same as one in which "voting weight" is directly proportional to population, and that such a system gives an unfair advantage to larger countries

If the proposed new constitution is adopted, Germany will gain the most voting power by far, followed by France, the UK and Italy. Spain and Poland will be the biggest losers.

posted by Miguel Noronha 6:22 da tarde

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mail: migueln@gmail.com