O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

sexta-feira, outubro 08, 2004

Dutch minister calls for move towards US social model

The EU needs to move more towards the US social model if it is to close the productivity gap with America and reach its economic goals, the Dutch economics minister and Chairman of the EU's competitive council said today (7 October).

Speaking at an event organised by the Lisbon Council - a Brussels-based pro-reform think tank - Laurens Jan Brinkhorst said, "I will argue that the updated European Social Model should differ distinctly from the current one. It will inevitably resemble the US model more than is the case today".


"Since the early 1990s", said Mr Brinkhorst, "the US has largely outpaced the EU in terms of economic growth. From 1991 to 2003, the US economy grew by no less than 47 percent in total, whereas the EU economy achieved only 28 percent growth".

He added, "With respect to the GDP [gross domestic product] per capita, Europe ranks significantly below the world's best performers. In 2003, America's GDP per capita was 55 percent higher".

"Only one member state - Luxembourg - could compete with most US states in terms of GDP per capita. The average person in France, Germany and Italy earns less than the average American in all but four of the US states (Arkansas, Montana, West Virginia and Mississippi)".

posted by Miguel Noronha 10:20 da manhã

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