O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

sábado, agosto 23, 2003


Em 1973, Hayek afirmou:
"After the end of the Second World War there occurred once more a temporary revival of liberal ideas, due partly to a new awareness of the oppressive character of all kinds of totalitarian regimes, and partly to the recognition that the obstacles to international trade which had grown up during the inter-war period had been largely responsible for the economic depression. The representative achievement was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1948, but the attempts to create a larger economic unit such as the common market and EFTA also ostensibly in the same direction.”[3]

No entanto, as posições de Hayek anteriormente apresentadas são uma crítica directa aos excessos regulamentares e ao crescente centralismo e socialismo da União Europeia dos nossos dias. Simultaneamente, a proposta de Hayek traça o caminho de uma reforma liberal da UE...e das Nações Unidas

Esta proposta Hayekiana não se encontra entre as opções habitualmente discutidas (!) entre "federalistas" centralizadores e "anti-federalistas" (uma coligação onde se podem distiguir interesses opostos e muita vezes iliberais). Por esta razão, a federação liberal proposta por Hayek não se concretizará num futuro próximo. Mas fazendo coro com Hayek:
“when socialism and nationalism have combined - not only in name – into powerful organizations which threaten the liberal democracies…is it too much too hope for real liberalism, true to its ideal of freedom and internationalism?”

João A. Noronha


[1] Friedrich A. Hayek, “The economic conditions of interstate federalism” in New Commonwealth Quarterly, V, nº2, September 1939, pp. 131-149

[2] Friedrich A. Hayek, “The Prospects of international order” in The Road to Serfdom, Cap. XV, 1944

[3] Friedrich A. Hayek, “Liberalism” in New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas, 1973, pp. 119-151
posted by Joao 12:10 da manhã

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