O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

terça-feira, abril 06, 2004

Protocolo de Kyoto

Um artigo da Tech Central Station refere que cada vez mais países da UE mostram reticências em por em prática as metas establecidas no Protocolo de Kyoto. À medida que a data da implementação se aproxima, e os custos se tornam mais evidentes o entusiasmo arrefece. A Alemanha parece liderar os kyotocépticos na UE, e tem razões para isso:

[A]ccording to DRI/WEFA estimates, under the Kyoto protocol the price of home heating could rise by 28 percent in Germany by 2010; gasoline and diesel prices would rise by 9 percent and 14 percent. GDP would shrink by 2.9 percent below the baseline forecasts, and employment would fall by 1.0 million jobs annually during the 2008-2012 budget period.

No entanto, os países da UE preferem não contestar directamente o tratado. Preferem imputar a culpa a Rússia que, também, já deu mostras de não querer rectificar o Protocolo para não prejudicar o seu crescimento económico.

Russia has no intention to ratify Kyoto, because that would prevent the rapid economic growth President Putin has chosen as his own political goal. Putin's economic advisor, Andrej Illarionov, went even further and defined Kyoto as a "return of Gosplan."

"The proposed mechanism [to enforce Kyoto] would decrease quotas year by year," said Illarionov. "So it may be more correct to call it the return of the gulag... During the 20th century, Russia seriously suffered from another ideology that came from Europe," he told, referring to Marxism. And he defined as "kyotism" the ideology of climate control.

posted by Miguel Noronha 11:47 da manhã

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